Thursday, August 11, 2011

Fringe Photo Contest!

One face, one voice, one habit, and two persons!
A natural perspective, that is and is not!
-Twelfth Night
The Philadelphia Shakespeare Theatre is launching our 15th Anniversary Season by giving away a Season Subscription!

Here is all that you have to do to win a 6-Ticket Bard Card that you can use for any Twelfth Night or Titus Andronicus performance:

Step 1) Stage a photograph of a specific scene, quote, or theme in your favorite Shakespeare Play.

Step 2) Upload your photo to our Facebook Wall; tag yourself and anyone else who is in the photo. Feel free to write a 1-2 sentence caption.

The contest ends September 30, 2011 at 11:59 pm. The Philadelphia Shakespeare staff will then choose their favorite photo and contact you for your FREE Bard Card. The winner will be announced October 7, 2011.

Here is an example of the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet:
Good luck and have fun!
Fortune brings in some boats that are not steered.