Monday, May 16, 2011


Well, there you have it. The 2010/11 Season of The Philadelphia Shakespeare Theatre. We made you laugh and dance with As You Like It. We opened up your mind with a female Hamlet. We offered our stage to the artistic community with our Classical Cabaret Series. Broke box office records with our free Classical Acting Academy show of Henry V. Not to mention brought our touring production of Hamlet to no less than 14 schools! Readings, symposiums, connoisseur series, and reading groups! Scholar-in-Residence, teaching artist residencies, learning, growing, discovering.

We hope you enjoyed this season and would like to thank you all for your continued support!

Thank you.

But it doesn't stop. Nope.

We are already hard at work creating a new and exciting season for you. This one's a doozy.

Welcome to our 15th Anniversary Season. 

Ready. Set. Go.

Directors Carmen Khan and Aaron Cromie conducting auditions: